Here is what we know about the compromise of Denmarks central bank: »It all seems ‘too little, too late'«
White-hat hacker nearly choked on his water when Version2 went through the details of the case with him. Among other things, Danmarks Nationalbank chose the least thorough of two mitigation strategies. The National Bank itself does not want to explain their decisions or resond to questions.
Here is what we know about the compromise of Denmarks central bank: »It all seems ‘too little, too late'«
White-hat hacker nearly choked on his water when Version2 went through the details of the case with him. Among other things, Danmarks Nationalbank chose the least thorough of two mitigation strategies. The National Bank itself does not want to explain their decisions or resond to questions.
Eksperter kritiserer Nationalbankens Solarwinds-håndtering: »Det hele virker too little too late«
Lovlydig hacker fik vand galt i halsen, da Version2 gennemgik sagens detaljer for ham. Blandt andet vælger Nationalbanken den billigste og mindst grundige af to recovery-muligheder. Nationalbanken selv ønsker ikke at forklare sine beslutninger eller besvare spørgsmål.
Cisco, Deloitte og Intel er blandt SolarWinds-ofrene
Listen over ofrene for SolarWinds-hacket bliver længere. Nu har endnu flere store amerikanske virksomheder bekræftet, at de har fundet malware.
Opdater nu: Cisco finder kritisk sårbarhed i egen call center-platform
En sårbarhed gør det muligt for hackere at placere arbitrær kode i platformens remote management-interface.
CandGrab malware spredes via MS Word
Skadelig macro i MS Word dokumenter anvendes til hackerangreb og inficering med GandCrap ransomware og Ursnif bankdata spyware.
CandGrab malware spredes via MS Word
Skadelig macro i MS Word dokumenter anvendes til hackerangreb og inficering med GandCrap ransomware og Ursnif bankdata spyware.
Hackere bruger falsk Whatsapp til at stjæle data fra iPhones
Hackere lokker lige nu iPhone-brugere til at downloade falske udgaver af Telegram og Whatsapp. Herefter stjæles telefonnumre, sms-korrespondancer, og kontakter.